
Family Videos 1940s to 1970s.

This is a collection of films taken by Victor Johnson over many years beginning in the early 1940s. These films are a chronicle of the growth of the Oliver Johnson family and other relatives.

Gibbs-Johnson Family Slide show

Family names in the videos include: Johnson/Jensen, Curley, Lawless, DeCourcy/DeCoursey, Christiansen, Lichty, Gibbs, Renzi and others. A slide show gives an overview of the Gibbs and Johnson family relationships. This puts the videos in context and helps identify the people and relationships. Click here=> to see The slide show. 

The families lived in California (Leo Johnson), Colorado (Victor Johnson and Gibbs), South Dakota (Johnson, Christiansen and Lichty), Nebraska and Iowa (Johnson and Lawless), Ohio and Virginia (Gibbs), and Maryland (Renzi).

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